Alberta Energy Efficiency Alliance

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Advancing Energy Efficiency in Alberta

With the provincial government working to advance new energy efficiency programs and policies, this gathering of leading energy efficiency organizations in the province on March 2, 2016 focused on sharing ideas about the design and launch of new programs and policies in the province.

Energy Efficiency: Alberta's Green Field

Dain Nestel, CLEAResult

Accelerating Efficiency: A Cross Section of Washington State Program

Jesse Sycuro, McKinstry

The ATCO Group of Companies: Leaders in Energy Efficiency

David Conn, ATCO Gas

The Role for Alberta Retailers in Energy Efficiency

John Rilett, ENMAX

A Comprehensive Assessment of Energy Efficiency Options in Energy Sector for Alberta

Amit Kumar, University of Alberta

Municipal Climate Change Action Centre: Advancing Energy Efficiency in Alberta

Marc Huot, Municipal Climate Change Action Centre

EnerNOC: Engaging the Energy Customer

Sarah Griffiths, EnerNOC

ESPA Energy Retrofit Financing

Jim Goldmann, Efficiency Capital Corporation

EE and EE:some ideas on how to weave Energy Efficiency
into Environmental Education

Gareth Thomson, ACEE

MyHEAT: Empowering urban energy efficiency

Jeff Taylor, MyHeat

Edmonton’s Community Energy Transition Strategy: 2016 Update

Jim Andrais, City of Edmonton

Towards a Climate Program: The City of Calgary’s response to Climate Change

Dick Ebersohn, City of Calgary

Reflections on the Past, Present & Future of Energy Conservation

Peter Love, Energy Services Association of Canada

Engaging Albertans in Energy Efficiency

Rob Mains, Summerhill